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Photos We Need From You

Letting your followers know who you are and what you do is essential to growing your business!

We love incorporating your team, office, and personal photos into your social media strategy.

Photos of the Business Owner(s)

  • Headshots
  • Interacting with patients/clients/customers
  • BTS at work

Team Photos

  • Entire team
  • Individual Members
  • A “day in the life” at work (working photos, BTS at work)
  • Interactions with patients/clients/customers


  • The whole team at the event
  • Photos of the event itself
  • Highlights from the event
  • Inspiration behind the event

Personal Photos

  • Family 
  • Pets
  • Hobbies
  • Travel
  • Inspiration (books you like, things that motivate you, etc.


Your followers love to see what you’re up to! This builds trust and relationships, and attracts potential patients/clients/customers.