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Reels not getting a lot of likes or comments?

Here’s how to fix it…

Increasing Comments and Likes

Step 1: Add a simple Call to Action

  • This teaches your audience to engage with your content!
  • Add CTA to the end of your post.
  • This can be within the video with text, or in your caption!
  • Make it SIMPLE! How?
    • Ask what the audience liked about the video
    • Ex. “Which one is your favorite?”
    • Ex. “Which do you prefer?”
  • The simpler, the better. More people will interact with simplicity.

Step 2: Put your Community First

  • Look up reels your ideal client is creating.
  • Interact with them. Comment on them!
  • Reply to as many comments as you can. 
  • Make captions more about the community, not about you.