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Reels not reaching as many people as you had hoped?

Instagram Reels are a great way to reach a wider audience. Here is how to increase your views…

How to get more views

  • 3 Second Rule
    • You have 3 seconds to get someone to stop scrolling.
    • The first 3 seconds of your reel are KEY.
  • Hook Your Viewers
    • Use attention-grabbing movements.
    • This can be a transition, a timelapse, moving an object, a video effect, or angling the camera.
  • Text
    • Use one-liners.
    • Tease viewers on what is to come. 
    • Ex. “3 Steps to ___”
    • Ex. “Biggest Mistakes Every ___ Makes”
    • Ex. “The Fastest Way to ___”

Grab their attention & leave them wanting more!